Nurse in India is Educated or Trained
Why should we call ourselves as Trained Nurses even after receiving the Baccalaureate and Masters degrees conferred by the universities which are constitutionally recognized for higher education?
Trained; how do you all feel? If someone calls you and treats you as a pet animal which is obviously trained to follow the instructions of the owner or trainer himself, that’s how this strange feeling made us be out of an esteemed professional body which is striving to uphold the dignity of the profession for a long time. Trained: being given repetitive instructions to perform the desired task, are we so, just because of the repetitive instructions are we performing? If we are trained then we must be trained by some trainer then look at the meaning of the trainer according to Oxford dictionary: trainer n. 1 person who trains horses, athletes, footballers, etc. 2 aircraft or simulator used to train pilots. 3) Soft running shoe. Will anybody try to share their feelings with the robot? Then why we are consciously infusing the robots into the health care delivery system which really needs compassionate and intellectually bright human touch.
We are very concerned about the premier organizations of nursing which are run by our respected leaders who are all life members of the TNAI and they have Master of Science, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy and they decide the future of primary, secondary and tertiary level health care workers and implementation of health services across country. Then how we should expect the best possible form them if they all are trained? It is widely accepted and demonstrated the idea that policies have mostly developed and designed by intellectuals and educated personnel.
Dear brothers and sisters of this Nobel profession why we are not making a conscious effort distinguish between Trained and Educated? Don’t you feel that the name of the association is against the constitution? Yes, it is against constitution logically; University has conferred the master degree to many and they have enrolled themselves in the TNAI and they are called as trained nurses. However, the constitution says University has to cater the higher education; and now this professional body is calling its member as a Trained. Now tell me is it against the constitution or not?
Nursing is evolving but not at the desired pace, still, we have not arrived at professional maturity. We talk much about the advancements in nursing, however, we do little. We have embraced this profession 100 years back still we are unable to internalize it, either could be the cultural gap or thought foreignness as it has come from the western country.
Society has perceived us as trained healthcare workers, not as an educated healthcare worker; this perception is very much evident in all most all organizations and even in national health policies. For example line of authority, you will not find a horizontal line of authority in any organization, everywhere it is vertical; means nurse has to report someone non-nursing vertically. It is much scientifically proved that horizontal or like-minded inter-department relations and collective efforts will result in better results.
Telecommunication advancements have brought a miracle change in the every aspects life, today we all are ONLINE, we can reach any corner of the globe on a finger touch and almost all services have become digitized and yielding the better results and making countries economy stronger and making the life prosper. As the technology is advancing it is creeping into every profession and it is challenging everyone to embark a new phase of life which is more sophisticated, comfortable and more attractive. So, let us embrace the techie life and have a live register for the nurses to register on a single portal. The Live Register would reduce lots of human hours, and lots of resources as 28 states +UT have at least 2 to 3 people for this work. It would benefit in the policy making for the delivery of healthcare services. We will have handy consolidated data of health workforce.
This question hasn't arisen out of the vested interest or illogical thought process in fact it has come out of painful eternal feeling which has provoked us to think rationally and put in words in the nurses domain and to stir the thought process of our leaders who have guided us all the way for almost 100 years and left a glorious legacy to follow and to join the community which has determined and committed to serve the society in the aspect of health which is much sought need of human being.
It is very much vivid and evident that there is the remarkable difference between TRAINED and EDUCATED
Society has perceived us as trained healthcare workers, not as an educated healthcare worker; this perception is very much evident in all most all organizations and even in national health policies. For example line of authority, you will not find a horizontal line of authority in any organization, everywhere it is vertical; means nurse has to report someone non-nursing vertically. It is much scientifically proved that horizontal or like-minded inter-department relations and collective efforts will result in better results.
Telecommunication advancements have brought a miracle change in the every aspects life, today we all are ONLINE, we can reach any corner of the globe on a finger touch and almost all services have become digitized and yielding the better results and making countries economy stronger and making the life prosper. As the technology is advancing it is creeping into every profession and it is challenging everyone to embark a new phase of life which is more sophisticated, comfortable and more attractive. So, let us embrace the techie life and have a live register for the nurses to register on a single portal. The Live Register would reduce lots of human hours, and lots of resources as 28 states +UT have at least 2 to 3 people for this work. It would benefit in the policy making for the delivery of healthcare services. We will have handy consolidated data of health workforce.
This question hasn't arisen out of the vested interest or illogical thought process in fact it has come out of painful eternal feeling which has provoked us to think rationally and put in words in the nurses domain and to stir the thought process of our leaders who have guided us all the way for almost 100 years and left a glorious legacy to follow and to join the community which has determined and committed to serve the society in the aspect of health which is much sought need of human being.
It is very much vivid and evident that there is the remarkable difference between TRAINED and EDUCATED
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